Lost & Found
Have you always dreamt about owning a parrot?

Have you always dreamt about owning a parrot? These highly-intelligent bird companions are a great addition to any home. Just like rescued cats and dogs, you can find your new pet in my shelter for lost and found birds. Maybe your bird went missing and you are looking for someone who might have rescued it. Or instead, you found one and you are unable to keep it, but still want to find it a great place to live. If any of these scenarios apply to you, get in touch with me.
As a professional parrot groomer and carer, I have worked with many people in the area that have either lost their buddies or found someone else’s. Once the bird becomes a part of my lost and found list, I will determine its gender through DNA sexing based on its physical characteristics and appearance.

Relocating Your Bird.
t’s one of the most stressful things to have your bird fly away from its cage and to be unable to locate it. Reuniting parents with their feathered kids is one of the best things I can offer as a parrot caregiver and owner myself. My practice has seen the lost hopes of bird owners restored after finding their companions with my help.
If the bird is somehow injured and needs veterinarian help, it will receive it as soon as possible. It will then join my flock and have a full circle of companions before it gets a new home and parents or is reunited with its owner. Contact me if you recently lost your pet bird or you want to adopt one that I am currently looking after.

- Over 10 Years of Experience
Contact Us
For more information about the bird grooming services I provide, explore this website and don’t hesitate to call me if you have questions. My phone number is (407) 405-3998.
- Over 10 Years of Experience